Inform Yourself Youth Inc.
"Programs to Inspire Todays' Youth"
At Inform Yourself Inc., we empower youth to reach their full potential through innovative programs mentorship opportunities. Join us in fostering a supportive community where young minds can thrive and make a positive impact!
I Am The Architect
A partnership with Lawrence Technical University, College of Architecture & Design
Cohort #2 - Sessions
Date: Saturday's October, 2023
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Place: Lawrence Technological University - College of Architecture & Design
21000 W. 10 Mile Rd.
Southfield MI. 48075
Saturday Program for High School Students 3D Design - The Dog House
Engaging Students in Hands-On Architectural, Engineering, Construction. The principles learned will assist students with a real world understanding.
I Am The Architect Program
in partnership with Lawrence Technological University
LTU Dual Enrollment Application