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Save Our Black Boys (S.O.B.B.)

At Inform Yourself Youth Development, we are focused on providing youth and family services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction and we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. With a variety of opportunities  to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us. We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!


Save Our Black Boys (S.O.B.B.) mentorship program is design to cultivate a positive attitude towards learning for black boys. Using programmatic approaches to leverage a skills-based education strategy.

"We can't protect them from everything, but we can prepare them for success."

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Program Outline:

Project base learning drives Save Our Black Boys. By connecting fun, hands on learning 

to engage students in STEAM, AI, Disaster Preparedness Training, Chess, Youth Entrepreneurship Training and Tennis

  • 6 weeks

  • 1 hour per week

  • 15 student

  • After school or weekends

  • Boys age 8-12

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Why us?

Adhering to the words of Galileo that you can not teach a man anything, you can only help him discover it within himself, Inform Yourself has created learning modules specifically designed to uncover the enormous potential that lay hidden in each child.


"There is nothing more daring than one who dares…to dream."

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